Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- Authors must submit the copyright transfer agreement, competing interest, and publication ethics forms at supplementary files section. Please download the forms here and complete accordingly.
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format and not exceeding 2 MB.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- Authors must follow MEDIAPSI template and guideline as outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
Author Guidelines
As of June 2021, Mediapsi uses Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition, 2019) for the writing style. Authors accordingly should strick to the APA 7th edition as the guidelines, which are briefly described as follows:
1. In-text Citation
1.a. American Psychological Association (APA) uses an author-date citation system. In-text citation directs the reader to a reference or bibliography.
1.b. In-text citation uses authors' last names, not full names or first names.
1.c. In-text citation can be presented in the main text or body of the paper, as well as in tables, figures, footnotes, and appendices.
1.d. Cited literature in the main text must be included in the reference and vice versa, each literature in the reference list must be included in the main text and other sections (i.e., tables, figures, footnotes, and appendices).
1.e. There are two types of in-text citations: (1) parenthetical citation and (2) narrative citation; Parenthetical citation appears inside a bracket; Narrative citation appears outside a bracket; Whether inside or outside a bracket, the last name of the authors can be placed either in the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.
1.f. Both parenthetical and narrative citations have multifarious styles, depending on several factors including, just to name a few, the number of the authors and the cited work.
1.g. More detailed information about In-text Citation according to APA 7th guidelines (in Indonesian: BAHASA) can be found in the following link:
In-text Citation APA 7th edition
2. Reference
2.a. American Psychological Association (APA) uses four basic principles, that is, author (who is responsible for the work?), date (when has the work been published?), title (what should the work be called?), and source (where could the readers retrieve the work?)
2.b. In the reference list, please do not put a period after a DOI or URL because it may interfere with link functionality.
DOI: (correct) (wrong)
URL: (correct) (wrong)
2.c. Reference should be written on a separate page, with the format cantered, bold, and capitalized (title-case)
2.d. There are rules regarding how the names of the author/s in a reference should be arranged
2.e. There are various types of reference according to APA 7th edition, which are broadly based on four sources: (1) textual workgroups [e.g., journal articles, books, theses/dissertations, etc.], (2) data sets, software, tests group [e.g., raw data, test scoring, etc.], (3) audio-visual media group [e.g., YouTube video, PowerPoint slides, etc.), (4) the online media group [e.g., Instagram photo, tweet, etc.].
2.f. More detailed information about Reference according to APA 7th guidelines (in Indonesian: BAHASA) can be found in the following link:
Reference APA 7th edition
3. Numbering
3.a. In general, please use words to express numbers zero through nine, and please use numerals to express numbers 10 or above; However, there are exceptions to this general guideline for number usage. There are cases in which you should always use words to express numbers, even numbers 10 and above, and likewise, there are cases in which you should always use numerals to express numbers, even numbers zero through nine.
Example: The study had three conditions.
Exception: Fifty percent of the students received the intervention.
3.b. In general, please use numerals to express numbers 10 and above, and please use words to express numbers zero through nine; However, there are exceptions to this general guideline for number usage. There are cases in which you should always use numerals to express numbers, even numbers zero through nine, and likewise, there are cases in which you should always use words to express numbers, even numbers 10 and above.
An example: There were 15 psychologists at the clinic.
An exception: The number must be multiplied by 2.
3.c. More detailed information about Numbering according to APA 7th guidelines (in Indonesian: BAHASA) can be found in the following link:
Numbering APA 7th edition
4. Table
4.a. Table should be presented in the main text instead of after the reference list.
4.b. Table numbers are made with Arabic numerals (Arabic numerals; for example Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc.).
4.c. In the main text, the table must be mentioned together with its number.
4.d. In the main text, author/s are not necessary to mention the statistics in the table, if any, which is redundant. Instead, author/s should interpret the meaning of the statistics in the main text.
4.e. The title of the table should be written under the table number, placed above the table and written in italics with the first letter of each word being written in capital, except for prepositions such as in, to, for, etc.
4.f. More detailed information about the Table according to APA 7th guidelines (in Indonesian: BAHASA) can be found in the following link:
Table APA 7th edition
5. Figure
5.a. Figure should be presented in the main text instead of after the reference list.
5.b. Figure numbers are made with Arabic numerals (Arabic numerals; for example Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, etc.).
5.c. In the main text, the figure must be mentioned together with its number.
5.d. In the main text, authors are not necessary to mention the statistics in the figure, if any, which is redundant. Instead, authors should interpret the meaning of the statistics in the main text.
5.e. More detailed information about the Figure according to APA 7th guidelines (in Indonesian: BAHASA) can be found in the following link:
Figure APA 7th edition
6. Footnote
6.a. Footnote is a short note that provides additional information relating to either content of the main text or copyright.
6.b. The content-related footnote serves to complement or clarify substantive information in the main text, and not to otherwise add irrelevant and unimportant information.
6.c. Copyright-related footnote is required when authors reproduce lengthy citations or scale items or tests in the main text.
6d. Footnote also has specific styles of numbering and formatting, which can be checked in the following document:
Footnote APA 6th edition
7. Appendix
7.a.Appendix becomes part of a printed manuscript, which also constitutes additional information or materials in a manuscript that function to make it easier for readers to understand, assess, and replicate results or theories in research.
7.b.The appendix can manifest in texts, tables, pictures, or a combination thereof.
7.c.The information displayed in the Appendix may vary, which can manifest in a list of stimuli in an experiment, a list of scale items of research, and so on.
7.d. The appendix also has specific styles of numbering and formatting, which can be checked in the following document:
Appendix APA 6th edition
8. Journal Template
The manuscript should be written in Bahasa Indonesia with an excellent academic style. Below is the table presenting the structure of the manuscript along with the explanation of its components.
Title |
Titles should be kept concise with a maximum of 14 words. They should also be informative and specific, clearly reflecting the main issue of or variables under investigation in the paper. Use appropriate terms following the design of the research. For example, experimental research may use the terms ‘effect’, ‘influence’, or ‘impact’. Correlational research may use the terms ‘relationship’, ‘correlation’, ‘or association’. |
Author names and affiliation |
The names of the author/s must not consist of academic titles (e.g., Dr, PhD), official ranks (e.g., Dean, Program Coordinator), or professional positions. Please clearly present the full name, including the first name, middle name (if any), and last name of each author and make sure that all names are accurately spelt. Indicate the authors' affiliation addresses precisely below the names. Mention clear affiliation of all authors, including the department, faculty (optional), and university or institution. It is also compulsory to write complete authors’ postal addresses and country. All contributing authors should be presented sequentially by their contribution order. |
Abstract |
The abstract should be written in both English and Indonesian. Each abstract is written in a single paragraph with no more than 250 words. Please briefly describe the background, the objective, the method (along with the number of participants when relevant), the results, and the implication of the research. Avoid using abbreviations and citations in the abstract. |
Keywords |
Include 4-6 keywords, which are arranged in alphabetical order and separated using comma (,). We strongly recommend that keywords are written in the form of phrases, i.e., two or three words. |
Introduction |
The introduction should commence with the opening paragraphs, highlighting the background, the problems, the gap, and the aims of the research. Following the opening paragraphs should be information about theoretical rationales, literature review, and hypotheses (for quantitative research) |
Method |
The method should provide readers with information about the participants, design, procedure, and materials of the research. |
Result |
The outcomes of the research should be presented as hypotheses testing. Whenever appropriate, tables or figures can be used to help the outcomes of the research be more understandable. |
Discussion |
The discussion mainly focuses on the theoretical interpretations of the empirical findings. In this section, the authors should also elaborate on the strengths and limitations of the research. |
Conclusion |
The conclusion is not a mere repetition of reports, but a brief synthesis of the main empirical findings of the research. It should also explain the implications of the research that may take shape via recommendations for follow-up research or applied policy suggestions. |
Acknowledgements |
If any, please acknowledge any party that has contributed to the research, for example, funding organisations or research assistants. |
References |
It is strongly recommended that all references cited in the manuscript or the article text use up-to-date primary sources, that is, journal articles published in the past 10 years. All references cited in the manuscript or the article text must be included in the Reference list. Mediapsi uses APA (American Psychological Association Citation Style) 7th edition. Last but not least, we strongly recommend authors use a reference manager such as Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote to build their bibliography. |
We, therefore, have provided a standardized template for writing manuscript that can be downloaded here: Mediapsi Template
9. Reference management software
We also encourage authors to utilize reference management software e.g. Mendeley, EndNote, etc. in citing and listing references on their manuscripts. We also strongly recommend that authors should use Turnitin to optimise the originality of their manuscript, as well as Grammarly to enhance the quality of the English abstract of their manuscript.
10. Statcheck
Moreover, as of July 2019, MEDIAPSI introduces statcheck, i.e., software to screen and fix statistical inaccuracies, with the aim of enhancing the quality of the manuscript. Accordingly, MEDIAPSI strongly recommends authors be familiar with, and know how to use statcheck. Below are the links about statcheck:
1. Statcheck Tutorial
2. Statcheck Website
11. Manuscript Revision
One key factor of a manuscript to be accepted for publication in Mediapsi is how authors appropriately address comments made by a section editor and reviewers. To meet this standard, Mediapsi provides authors with guidelines for a manuscript revision, which essentially centre on three main points. First, in revising their manuscript, authors should write a cover letter to the section editor. Second, authors should itemise their responses to each comment from the section editor and reviewers. Third, authors should highlight changes they made in response to comments of the section editor and reviewers in the revised manuscript. The guidelines for the manuscript revision can be checked in the following document:
Guidelines for Manuscript Revision
Copyright Notice
Mediapsi is licensed under Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). The copyright of the received article shall be assigned to the journal as the publisher of the journal. The intended copyright includes the right to publish the article in various forms (including reprints). The journal maintains the publishing rights to the published articles. The article shall not be used for commercial purposes