About the Journal

Focus and Scope

MEDIAPSI accepts empirical research papers covering all areas of psychology, be they general, industrial and organizational, social, developmental, educational, and clinical. The empirical research papers require that authors should provide the readers with primary data or secondary data, to test theories either exploratory or confirmatory. The data can be derived from (correlational or experimental) quantitative methodology or qualitative methodology. Correlational or experimental quantitative research typically builds upon hypothesis testing, whereas descriptive research does not. Based on these criteria, we currently do not accept both review articles and descriptive research to be published in MEDIAPSI.

The empirical research papers may take the form of original research or replication research. However, among the two options, MEDIAPSI prefers original research to replication research. Original research papers focus on some form of novelties, which are broken down as follows:

A. Novel approaches
Novel approaches may manifest in the psychological mechanism (i.e., mediator) or the boundary condition (i.e., moderator) that underly the relationship between or among phenomena. They may also manifest in combining some theories to explain a topic under investigation.
B. Understudied area
Understudied area denotes a research novelty that has to do with the significant contribution to the existing literature by examining psychological theories within the context of underrepresented, non-WEIRD (White, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) samples.
C. Novel topic
Novel topic centres on the investigation of a phenomenon with little to no previous empirical research.

Peer Review Process

Manuscript submitted to MEDIAPSI will be reviewed by applying double-blind peer review method, meaning that both author(s) and reviewer(s) cannot be identified each other. Authors should follow MEDIAPSI author guidelines and online submission guidelines (click here for detail guidelines).

The following describes briefly about the whole peer review process of MEDIAPSI.

Upon receiving an article, Editor-in-chief nominates an editor who will be responsible to perform initial check to the manuscript, including suitability to the journal scope, clarity, presentation, and content. Editor also nominates potential reviewers for the manuscript. If the article is eligible, editor sends CTA (Copyright Transfer Agreement) forms and requests author(s) to complete and send them back to the editor. If it is not, rejection notice will be sent to author(s). Failure to send CTA forms on time will cause delay in editorial process for the manuscript.

After receiving the completed forms, editor designates reviewer(s) to review the manuscript and to send the decision and suggestion back within specified time. As mentioned earlier, MEDIAPSI applies double-blind peer review method, which prevents both author(s) and reviewer(s) from being mutually identified. Reviewed manuscript will be rechecked by editor for final decision, including (1) accept submission, (2) revisions required, (3) resubmit for review, (4) resubmit elsewhere, or (5) decline submission.

Editor will take reviewers' decision and suggestion into account and discuss the final decision in an editorial board meeting with editor-in-chief. Editor, therefore, in consultation with editor-in-chief, has full authority for the final decision of a manuscript.

If decision no. 1 has been reached, though it is unlikely, manuscript will go directly to the copyediting process to be published. However, if minor revisions required (no. 2), author(s) need to revise their manuscript within specified times before being rechecked by editor. If, according to the editor, revision is still necessary, the process can be repeated several times until the manuscript satisfies the editor. Eligible manuscript will be sent to copyeditor for layouting process before finally being published.

Decision no. 3, 4, and 5 in principle means that the manuscript is not eligible to be published in MEDIAPSI. Therefore, editor will notify author(s) about the rejection and, in certain condition, suggest accordingly for the next possible options (as in decision no. 3 or 4).

Specified time for each phase of the editorial process is shown in the editorial flowchart below.


Article Processing Charge

Mediapsi (P-ISSN 2477-6459, E-ISSN 2549-2004) is a free and open-access journal. Author submission, as well as article processing and publishing, is free of charge. Readers can read and download any full-text articles free of charge.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Plagiarism Screening

Mediapsi stipulates that before being accepted for publication, every article should contain no more than 25% of the similarity index. This criterion builds upon Turnitin by excluding Quotes, a Bibliography, and sources that are less than 10 words.

Copyrights Notice

Mediapsi is licensed under Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). The copyright of the received article shall be assigned to the journal as the publisher of the journal. The intended copyright includes the right to publish the article in various forms (including reprints). The journal maintains the publishing rights to the published articles. The article shall not be used for commercial purposes. 

Journal History

  1. MEDIAPSI was first established in 2015.
  2. Two years later, in 2017, MEDIAPSI has appeared as a peer-review semi-annually journal (published in June and December), managed under an open-access, online journal (e-ISSN 2549-2004).
  3. In early 2018, MEDIAPSI was accredited SINTA 4 by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (Decree No. 21/E/KPT/2018).
  4. As of July 2019, MEDIAPSI has been led by a new editorial team. This team initiates statcheck for use as software to detect and rectify statistical errors, if any, in a manuscript submitted for publication in MEDIAPSI.
  5. The layout of published manuscripts for the December issue 2019 (Volume 5, Number 2) has slightly been changed.
  6. As of June 2020, Volume 1, Number 1, Mediapsi increased its number of published empirical articles from 5 articles to 7 articles, along with an introductory article by the editor-in-chief.
  7. The Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology/ National Research and Innovation has accredited Mediapsi Sinta 3. This decision was stipulated in Decree No. B/1796/E5.2/KI.02.00/202, which is effective for Mediapsi Vol. 6, No. 1, 2020 until Vol. 10, No. 2, 2024.
  8. Since March 2023, Lusy Asa Akhrani has been appointed as the new handling editor.
  9. As of March 2021, Omar K. Burhan, Fatiya Halum Husna, and Sofia Nuryanti have acted as new members of the editorial boards, and Aris Prasetyo as the copy editor.
  10. Starting from Volume 7, Number 1, June 2021, Mediapsi uses The Publication Manual of the American Psychological (APA) 7th edition as the new writing style guidelines, as well as a new journal template.